So many writing thoughts

My thoughts are at a crossroads at the moment. I’m trying to figure out exactly what to focus on at the moment. Normally, my Saturday morning writing schedule involves writing the next edition of the Lindahl Letter weekly publication. My backlog file has 146 items in at the moment. I should probably spend some time working on that backlog list and both pruning and sorting it based on what research notes still deserve attention. The other thing I need to spend some time working on today is a review of my 5 year writing plan. That however begets more and more writing about the process of writing and sorting, planning and review, or potentially backlog pruning. None of those things are extremely exciting or dynamic in terms of being presentable. Maybe that is ok sometimes, but being the primary element it is probably not that acceptable.  

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A backlog without any order

A lot of news stories are picking up the news about Platformer moving off of Substack this weekend. I’m still looking at Ghost and trying to figure out if I just need to watch a couple videos about getting started on that platform. I’ll be really curious to see what happens here in the next 90 days. Yesterday, I shared my 3 year recap of publishing on Substack as both a podcast and a post. Right now I’m looking at the backlog and trying to figure out what order I want to set for the next few posts. I committed to writing my 2024 predictions post, but outside of that I just have over 100 topics in a backlog that are not really in any particular order. 

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The subscription system is now running

Yesterday, I was able to complete my first subscription based post here on the old weblog. It took me a few minutes to learn how to insert the first paywall blocker widget. I’m not ready to engage in the active process of daily writing and publishing within the weblog. I’ll make sure the opening paragraph is always ready to be visible and that the rest goes a bit deeper after the paywall. It’s a strange thing to consider, but I figure that this could be interesting if the newsletter had to move over to the weblog. Right now it looks like Substack might be making some changes and could keep existing throughout 2024. A lot of turbulence has occurred and that makes me wonder if people might jump to some alternative if one presents itself. Now would be the time for a great online writer migration. 

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