Nels Lindahl — Functional Journal

A weblog created by Dr. Nels Lindahl featuring writings and thoughts…

Tag: corsair

  • Keyboards keep getting better

    I’m still rocking the Corsair K65 RGB 60% size mechanical gaming keyboard as my primary daily driver. Using it does require in my opinion a Kensington duo gel keyboard wrist rest or some other type of ergonomic wrist riser. For me the keyboard needs to be about an inch in front of the wrist rest and I can type throughout the day without any problems. Earlier today I spent some time writing and thinking about how to best move forward. Certainly the keyboard helped deliver those thoughts from ideation to fill in the blank page. 

    I’m striving to spend some time writing a blog post every day and thinking about what things deserve my time. A bit of writing each day is a great way to actively engage in thinking. Over the last couple of decades I have found that the act of writing for a long period of time is enough to really help me think deeply about something. From time to time a pure type of stream of consciousness can be productive while it does open the door to some extremely useless prose generation. Imagine a lot of derivative writing about the nature of writing. Certainly, that is something that does not really have to be imagined. It exists everywhere. 

    I think 2024 will be the year that the internet fundamentally changes. We may see a shift in the way internet usage is occurring. We may very well interact and make requests differently going forward. We are going to see a lot of disruptive technology landing this year. We may look back at this next year as the year of big pivots in base technology.

  • A bit of Sunday writing

    Today is probably going to be the second day in a row that a weblog post gets written and posted online. I’m targeting about 500 words per writing session, but that is not a hard and fast rule, it is just a general target. I’m trying to produce about a solid page of prose during each writing effort. Normally, I tend to produce about a paragraph at a time from a thought to the page and then that happens over and over again. You may have noticed that my thoughts vary wildly from paragraph to paragraph and that is probably the reason for that. 

    This is the first time in a bit that two days of writing have been posted in a row. Taking down my previous content was a relatively hard decision to make, but now I’m ready to write new content. Maybe I should set it to expire after a certain period of time or maybe I just just compile it into a book format from time to time and leave it published out that way. My main computer has been swapped from a Corsair brand to a Be Quiet! brand case. I moved from the Corsair Carbide Series Air 740 High Airflow ATX Cube Case to the Be Quiet! Dark Base Pro 900 rev 2 case.[1][2] My initial impression of the new case is that it is so much quieter than the other case. I guess over time the fan noise is something that I just started to tune out and pretty much ignored. My office is now so very silent with the computer running in the background. The level of ambient noise has dropped off a ton. It’s really noticeable. Maybe I actually like that server fan noise in the background. I’ll probably get over it.

    At some point along the way I’ll be able to get a new graphics card. That graphics card purchase will proceed my purchase of the new Dell U4021QW monitor.[3] Both of those things seem exciting for my office and are certainly future purchases.


    [1] Corsair Carbide Series Air 740 High Airflow ATX Cube Case which is now out of stock and probably discontinued at this point
    [2] Be Quiet! Dark Base Pro 900 rev 2 case
    [3] Dell UltraSharp 40 Curved WUHD Monitor

  • A weekly posting frequency

    Right now I’m typing with my new keyboard from @Corsair. This mechanical keyboard seems to be working well enough. It is the Corsair K65 RGB MINI 60% smaller mechanical gaming keyboard with CHERRY MX SPEED keys. This is my first mini keyboard. It took me a few minutes to get used to the smaller form factor. I probably should have opted for the silent version, but the mechanical key travel sounds are somewhat endearing. I’m not sure how long that nostalgia for the clickity clack will last, but at the moment it is fine. During this blog post I’m trying out cutting and pasting the content from Google Docs into WordPress with images embedded directly into the weblog interface.

    Picture of my Corsair K65 RGB mini keyboard

    The copy and paste of the first section of this post worked out well enough. I might even go ahead and post this content out on the weblog today. Earlier this year the entire content library for my main weblog was taken offline. While that was not an easy measure to take. It was probably the right thing to do at the time. My efforts are going to be focused on writing weekly content for delivery instead of a series of daily missives. My new posting frequency is going to be weekly and I’m just going to write and work out of one document during the week and publish the finished product at the end of the week. This type of posting will be in addition to the content being generated for Substack. That platform is going to host the Lindahl Letter and distribute my weekly newsletter.

  • Weekly newsletter – Issue #2

    I’m just going to write throughout the week and record the links and other things that happen to publish them somewhere. Maybe even every Monday on Revue newsletters. It had occurred to me to just dump this content into the regular Friday weekly Substack newsletter, but at the moment that seems a little bit extreme. They are generally two different buckets of things. One is technology related in general and the other is rather targeted into machine learning and artificial intelligence. During the course of running some previews the Revue formatting is really a lot worse than what Substack has to offer. The links do not appear to auto embed as well in Revue and I generally don’t like the asthteics of the newsletter. I may have to change things up and move over to including this new content stream into either the weblog or Substack. A single weekly weblog post might be the way to go about it or maybe some type of other newsletter platform.    

    This weekend (Saturday morning YouTube surfing) started off with a bit of the WAN show from Linus Tech Tips 

    This week I almost went out to Newegg and bought a ton of Noctua fans to replace the stock Corsair fans in my Corsair Carbide Series Air 740 High Airflow ATX Cube Case.[1]

    I watched the first 5 episodes of the show Dark Matter on Netflix.[2] This time around I was surprisingingly invested in the show. 

    This week for some reason I signed into Facebook for the first time in years. All of my content was just sitting and waiting apparently for a fresh login. 


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