It was a productive morning of working on some development. I ended up working on the setup of the nelsx domain. That involved doing a bunch of different things. First, I had to remove the redirect to my top level domain and make sure that change went global. Second, the domain had to be set up within my hosting system so that I could do something with it in terms of installing some applications. Third, the application installation for the content management on the site had to be completed. Now I’m just tinkering with the setup for the site and working to fix a few errors in the process.
Somehow during the installation process a generic deleteme file got dropped in the main directory. Logging into the file system management and removing that random blocking file took a couple of minutes. Something is wrong with the redirect setup for the site. It’s still dropping over to a parking domain at the moment. After a few minutes of looking at the configurations for the domain I’m probably going to have to contact support on this one. It used to be a bit easier to complete a setup. Sure the introduction of the SSL part of the equation made things a bit more complex, but that should not really be a blocking factor within the initial build.
Apparently the domain name was not connected. The domain was in a parking state with the host. The propagation will take 24-48 hours. Initially it had some linkages back to an old hosting plan and pulled up a post from November 23, 2022. It was about, “Loyal Stricklin Wallets:
I own two of these wallets. They are delightful and have held up really well. Production is currently out of Opelika, Alabama.” That is still my everyday carry wallet. I’m hopeful that the propagation gets it fixed up to the right hosting package here today or tomorrow.
I manually updated the IP address for the hosting and now the waiting process has started over again. It all ended up working out the next day.