I opened my first issue on GitHub. The author responded to it, which was exciting. It’s distinctly possible that I’m going to fork that repository to have it do something a little bit different than what the author intended. My fork would be a depreciation of some pop up functionality to make the overall plugin easier to use for people who were just wanting to engage some direct links to other pages. One of the things that I’m seriously considering is just setting up a backlog and keeping interaction notes for my efforts.
That made me wonder if GitHub kept a native backlog feature. Based on my initial searching it does not appear that GitHub has such a thing. My primary writing backlog is something that I keep in a Google Doc at the end of the document. Functionally, I work on one unit of writing a week so having a backlog of 5 items in planning and review and then tons of uncommitted items is not a very big deal. Working on a coding project is a different type of effort compared to that one unit a week writing project. I’m going to need a better way to manage my backlog or I’m not going to ever get to code complete as a single developer on the project.
My current plan is that every day I’m going to try to spend an hour dedicated to building code either right before or after dinner. I have some detailed sketches of what needs to be built out and I’m working on building and coding it live in production. Some of the bigger elements of the project are probably going to need several hours of attention at one time to get set up. That will need to be a weekend activity to be sure. On the brighter side of things only a few of those types of large efforts exist.
I broke out the extra large notepad and started some sketches. My process is a little different from most people. All of the concepts and ideas normally get crunched in my head first and then I draw out the slides or the graphic after that process completes. It’s not an iterative sketching process when I build things out. The thing has been brought into existence before I try to memorialize it with a graphic.