Nels Lindahl — Functional Journal

A weblog created by Dr. Nels Lindahl featuring writings and thoughts…

Working on some deliverables

Routines have fallen way to a nearly endless stream of things that need to be delivered throughout the last few days. That happens from time to time. Tasks pile up and end up crushing routines. At the end of the day, I spent the last few minutes of the day working on a few things that needed to be done. One of them included putting together a little bit of content for a conference this summer.

DATAx 2020 Conference Topic Area: Machine Learning

Session Description (100 words inclusive of title):

Title: Figuring out applied ML: Building ROI models, repeatable frameworks, and teams to operationalize ML at scale.

Description: Solving the hard problems requires operationalizing ML at scale. Doing that in a definable and repeatable way takes planning and practice. Understanding how to match the deep understanding of subject matter experts to the technical application of ML programs remains a real barrier to applied ML in the workplace. Understanding applied machine learning models with strong potential return on investment strategies helps make delivery a definable and repeatable process.

Well that worked out to a total of 87 words. Maybe I should sit down and write another sentence to flush out the full 100 word quota.

3-Audience Takeaways

  1. Beginning to think about the process of building machine learning ROI models
  2. Setting the foundation for defining repeatable machine learning frameworks
  3. Building teams to operationalize machine learning at scale

Well that is the content I needed to generate before the end of the day. Tomorrow, I need to spend some time working on some new slides. That is going to take a little bit of focus. Some of that content was sketched out the other day by hand. Maybe I should have started with the end product in mind instead of some back of the napkin sketches on this one. That might have helped turn the slides into reality a little bit faster. This approach is really both delaying the final product and maybe improving it. Sometimes you have to produce a couple of drafts of something to get to the finish line. Other times you only need to sit down and write it one time to create the final product.

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