It’s pretty much consistently true that I can (and generally do) entertain myself on a daily basis without a lot of effort. A world of knowledge exists and people are churning out content at a pretty high rate. That is not entirely a good thing when I should be focused on research and writing. Right now I’m looking at my five year writing plan and thinking about just what needs to get done within that span. To that end, I renewed my Overleaf subscription and started working on drafting up some articles that I have pretty much researched, outlined, and left otherwise incomplete for years.
Today marks the first day in the new plan where I just moved all the content over to a private mode within WordPress. I’m still going to continue to blog on my own and just not share the content out widely with the world. This might seem like a strange plan of action to continue to write and make content and then just leave it hidden within the dustbin of weblog storage for posterity or really until somebody decomissings the server and the bits of content become nothing. That is probably just fine in the grand scheme of things. It’s entirely possible that I’ll flip the content back to visible at some point.