For some ineffable reason people are visiting my Twitter export archives from 2012. I had actually stopped exporting my tweets over to the weblog. Most of the time my writing efforts on Twitter are related to sharing links to things. My Twitter feed is really just a series of links to things that have caught my attention and have been shared online. This year during the pandemic I have spent more time engaging with people on Twitter, but that is not like a classic debate or a prolonged exchange. Typically the exchanges are very short in nature. I’d classify them as answered questions or asking questions. That would pretty much allow them to be categorized as questions and answers. People however are spending time reading my archived observations from 2012. I joined Twitter back in March of 2009 and to the best of my knowledge the 6,531 tweets that I have online go back to the start. Maybe I was more interesting back in 2012. That is entirely possible I guess. Anyway, I had stopped archiving all my tweets and I’m not in favor of restarting an archive at this point. The format for sharing content is simply too constrained. Even with the linked way people post tweets now this one single passage of prose would be huge and reading it would be disjointed and in my view undesirable. I’ll just leave this passage of prose right here where it will be safe from being torn asunder.
During the course of yesterday I got to watch some college football on television. We only have the main broadcast television stations that are available over the air. That did mean that we got a few football games yesterday and today we will have some NFL games that were selected for national broadcast availability. Sports are starting to trickle back in across the channels. It was really strange to see classic games being broadcast on television. We have even been watching a bunch of Stanley Cup playoff games that did not involve the Colorado Avalanche this year. I guess any return to normal routines is welcomed at this point. It has been a very strange year.
I was sort of hoping that Casey Neistat returned to daily vlogging on YouTube this week. I’m not entirely sure why I watched all the previous daily vlogs from Casey, but they were enthralling, engaging, and easily accessible. The way I watch YouTube videos is not really by suggestion. I have subscribed to a bunch of content creators and I just login in every day and go to my subscription feed:
That includes no real suggestions or anything; it is just a feed of the creators that I have elected to subscribe to and watch content from on a daily basis. This is pretty much how I ended up replacing cable. I replaced it with a never ending stream of content that is way more tailored to the things that I want to watch about traveling, guitars, and technology. Sometimes the videos are about technology for guitars, but mostly they are just pedal or guitar demos.
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