Nels Lindahl — Functional Journal

A weblog created by Dr. Nels Lindahl featuring writings and thoughts…

I need those 3 hour blocks of writing time

I’m considering mixing things up and spending my early morning weekday writing time on some of the topics for the Lindahl Letter. The last two days have been geared toward that type of effort. Overall that type of writing works out ok during the content production stage of the writing project, but very poorly during the research stage of things. I don’t have enough time on weekdays to really dig in and read content as a part of my weekly article building. That is one of the main reasons that this type of work is shifted to Saturday and Sunday. I need those 3 hour blocks of writing time to really put my best effort forward in terms of research and sharing out on a particular topic. 

However, I think the next few weeks will be geared toward a little bit of thinking and writing in the early hours of my weekdays. Sometimes it is a good plan to mix things up. This might be one of those moments. We will see what the end results yield on this one. The proof will be in the writing output.

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