Nels Lindahl — Functional Journal

A weblog created by Dr. Nels Lindahl featuring writings and thoughts…

Day 54 the one where I was ready for the weekend

2018: Day 54 the one where I was ready for the weekend
Word count 134,256 + 1,007 or 135,263 of 1,000,000

Dear Reader,

Friday is here. I’m glad to have made it to the weekend. This week was a whirlwind of constant time commitments. That happens. It was a bit much, but hey that is what spices things up. This was the week that I started to consume Soylent meal replacement powder drinks. That has worked out really well so far. My weight is down like 6 pounds and my energy level is way up. Tomorrow a new batch of coffee enhanced Soylent will arrive. That should be very interesting. It is more expensive per meal, but it has caffeine. Earlier this week I almost started dumping two shots of espresso into my Soylent cocoa shake, but that seemed weird. It seemed like a better option to consume the two beverages separately. I’m still working on drinking that big 48 ounce Nalgene water bottle each day. Overall the whole Soylent experiment has just been about reducing my overall caloric intake and saving some time.

My system appears to tolerate Soylent pretty well. The power I have is based on recipe v1.9 and the new coffee flavored version is recipe v2.0. I’m curious what the differences will be. It should be interesting to figure that one out. This week has been a blur of Soylent and Warren Zevon records. For those of you who know me pretty well you have already guessed that the more Warren Zevon in a week the higher the stress level. The only thing deeper down the rabbit hole for me is listening to Pink Floyd tracks. That does not happen all that often. I did try to figure out how to get online access to the SiriusXM radio. My car subscription does not seem to get me internet access, but sometimes it lets me listen to it for free. The Android app for SiriusXM let me listen for a day then wanted me to login. I’m still trying to figure out what music streaming service to go with this year. I have been making an effort to buy the vinyl record via a retail store for any artist that I really enjoy. That seems like the right way to go about it for me based on my interest in encouraging the people who make music I enjoy to keep making music.

Every night I listen to an hour of music before going to bed. It is an important part of my routine. That is something that will probably not change any time soon. Sometimes I miss my Pandora streaming station. This might be the year that I go back something like that service. I’m trying to avoid using Amazon services. That is really hard when it comes to music. All the autorip albums that I have purchased over the years have a digital copy stored with my Amazon Music account. That makes separating pretty challenging. Going completely vinyl would not really be a solution at this time. My record player is in my office and I’m not setting up a record player in my bedroom. I could download all the content and setup a media server or just store it all on my phone. Some options exist. I’ll probably try to pick one soon enough and go with it for the rest of the year.

My favorite part about listening to a station like Octane on SiriusXM is that it introduces me to new music. That works out pretty in terms of directing me toward full albums that I might want to listen to from start to finish. Listening to the Lithium station is really about the past. It is about being connected to the music I really enjoyed throughout the last couple decades. Octane is full of newly released music. That opens the door to all sorts of interesting new bands. At the moment, I can go out and listen to their album as part of my subscription and decide if it is something I want to add to my vinyl record collection. That is one of those things that just keeps on going and I keep building it up. It could be worse I guess. All those compact disc (CD) clubs I subscribed to sent me stuff from all sorts of different bands. All of those discs are pretty much gone. I really do not remember where they all went. To the best of my knowledge, I have one binder of music that was in my car. Those discs are pretty badly scratched up at this point. Disc skipping is super annoying and just sort of ruined the experience.

Today I’m pretty tired and this blog post will probably only hit the 1,000 word mark. That means that this week was really rather lackluster in terms of my written performance. I guess that was bound to happen at some point. To hit 1,000,000 words this year. I’m going to have to avoid having weeks like this one. That is easier to write about than to achieve. Sometimes things just stack up and you end up doing things outside of writing. The simple act of hammering on the keyboard takes time and energy. Running out of time or not having enough energy can lead to shorter blog posts or maybe even worse it can lead to poorly written stilted and disjointed prose that is uninspired. That is prepaps worse than falling short in terms of word count. I have tried to avoid just hammering out horrible content. That would have been one way to go.

This weekend should be good. It should be a great time to write. The Jayhawks play tomorrow that should be entertaining. I’m hopeful that it will be a good game and fun to watch. Instead of nachos I’ll be having some Soylent either before or after the game. Replacing two meals per day has been my goal.

Dr. Nels Lindahl
Broomfield, Colorado
Written on my Storm Stryker PC and or my ASUS C101P using Google Docs

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