Nels Lindahl — Functional Journal

A weblog created by Dr. Nels Lindahl featuring writings and thoughts…

Day 1 working with the OpenAI Codex Beta

Welcome to day 1 of my efforts working with the OpenAI Codex Beta.

I’m starting out logged into

The first thing I noticed is that my interface is a little different from what I watched on Machine Learning Street Talk

Tim and Yannic are working with the Codex JavaScript Sandbox. My beta dashboard only takes me to the Playground area where you can experiment with the API. 

Well a couple quick Google searches on that one and it was user error on my part that kept me away from the sandbox. I did not know enough to go directly to the sandbox:

I downloaded a copy of “The Declaration of Independence” and saved it as a PDF on my desktop. My big plan for tonight is to make an encryption application and have it encrypt that file from my desktop. It’s not a super ambitious plan, but I think it is a good place to start.

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