Welcome to day 1 of my efforts working with the OpenAI Codex Beta.
I’m starting out logged into https://beta.openai.com/dashboard
The first thing I noticed is that my interface is a little different from what I watched on Machine Learning Street Talk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CG_I3vMHn4&t
Tim and Yannic are working with the Codex JavaScript Sandbox. My beta dashboard only takes me to the Playground area where you can experiment with the API.
Well a couple quick Google searches on that one and it was user error on my part that kept me away from the sandbox. I did not know enough to go directly to the sandbox: https://beta.openai.com/codex-javascript-sandbox
I downloaded a copy of “The Declaration of Independence” and saved it as a PDF on my desktop. My big plan for tonight is to make an encryption application and have it encrypt that file from my desktop. It’s not a super ambitious plan, but I think it is a good place to start.
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