You are probably ready for an update. If that was what you were waiting for, then this post might just be the post for you. This next week I’m converting over to only eating Soylent for every meal. That means 7 straight days of Soylent based meals. I have never managed to do 21 straight meals of nothing but Soylent. My normal days involve one or two Soylent fueled meals. My theory on ordering Soylent was to replace breakfast and some lunches with a more reasonable alternative. Switching over to a diet of water, coffee, and Soylent for an entire week sounds like something that will work out pretty well. Updates on my progress should be expected at a daily cadence. Each update will probably be as eventful as the last, but the cumulative nature of the process could produce some interesting prose. That in and of itself will probably be enough to fuel the process.