Nels Lindahl — Functional Journal

A weblog created by Dr. Nels Lindahl featuring writings and thoughts…

Beyond the depths of that first overwritten passage

Opening with a witty barrage of prose might be a good way to get going. Beyond the depths of that first overwritten passage a nugget of truth might be hiding. Perhaps during the course of those moments when first filling the page something forms or builds out of nothing. Each moment follows on the legacy of the last. Echoes of promise and unfulfilled momentum shake a little bit of truth from what was left. Building out that start be it a fall start or a truly epic passage of pose the folly of overwriting always exists. The truth always turns out to be that potential outpaces performance. Every perfect possible future opens the door to something truly great. Unfortunately, each of those doors tend to have a certain commitment or consequence. Taking that first step toward a future that could be perfect might not unfold as a perfect journey.

Maybe this is the moment I break out my fountain pen and write some lyrics or some form of poetry. That might end up being more and more unlikely as the typing keeps going. Tonight I’m stuck between listening to music while writing for a bit or maybe having Netflix on in the background. Tomorrow I took the day off work. It will be a day devoted to working on something. That is the big question right now… what exactly tomorrow will hold is a secret that has been kept from all my momentary considerations. Tomorrow is a day right now full of possibility. Every door is open and every moment could be a moment that opens the floodgates of productivity. For me right now the potential of tomorrow probably outpaces anything that will actually happen. Somewhere in that thought is a seed of truth. Maybe it is a honest one with the potential for more.

Tomorrow I’m probably going to focus in on using my Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account to begin work on an automated newsletter based on a custom build natural language processing neural network. Sure that might seem like a lofty enough goal for a single day of fun, coding, and a few meals of Soylent. Maybe I’ll start watching the Alien quadrilogy and work on some coding in the cloud. Yeah —- that sounds like it will be desired direction for tomorrow. Things could devolve from that nobel path to an afternoon of Warren Zevon records, but we will have to wait for the moment to know it.

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