Oh my goodness; that Tuesday vibe is just everywhere today. I’m already thinking about lunch at the very start of the day which is never really a good sign for things. My primary breakfast food is Huel and that has worked out well enough. This Tuesday turned out to be extra full of Tuesday vibes. That is just how it goes sometimes. Watching the Colorado Avalanche and the Jayhawks are both options tonight. Both games are actually on ESPN+ which is odd to have happened at the same time. The games actually overlap so I will probably be jumping around between the two games. Streaming service fragmentation for sports viewing has gotten out of control.
I updated the WordPress theme header and footer to be more centered in style to make them work better across multiple types of views. Based on a couple of initial tests I’m pleased with how the design turned out. The design is probably locked in for the foreseeable future and with the drama surrounding WordPress who knows if this will be the last ever major theme release.