My streak of writing fantastic and entertaining weblog posts every day came to an end after more than 20 posts. Last night I watched some Colorado Avalanche hockey and then went to bed without any significant writing. That happens from time to time. Sometimes the words just do not flow. Today on the other hand I’m extra full of words and thoughts about things. To zero in on a few of those thoughts, I’m going to share that I spent some time today listening to a very interesting podcast. I’m going to embed a link to the post:
It was a pretty interesting hour of conversation, but I think it shares an informative series of thoughts about how politics shifted and changed within Silicon Valley. People are going to be writing election retrospectives and postmortems for the next few decades, but I think the principle sentiment in this podcast interview will end up being a part of those narratives.
Dr. Nels Lindahl
Broomfield, Colorado