Overall the new WordPress theme Twenty Twenty-Five (2025) is working out well enough since the big launch. Based on the web traffic report only a few people have gotten to enjoy the new visual presentation of content. It’s a low key content first view that just delivers the text to readers. Nothing really fancy is happening. A few extra backend pages and templates exist. I’m still trying to learn how to better present some of the deeper blog related content parts without using a sidebar. The native theme supports the pages, homepage, and 404 without a lot of modification or support. Most of the changes I ended up making to those pages were spacing and margin related. My preference is a little tighter content delivery than what is standard within the base theme. I made some changes to the 404 content missing pages to show some categories, archives, and top pages and content. Outside of that we are really just living within the delivery of the content dreamed up by the team over at WordPress for the 2025 theme.
Years ago the traffic to this weblog was a little more consistent. The reduction in traffic is probably directly related to the long dearth of content that happened here. It was a content desert after being abandoned for a long time. Things have changed and I’m back in the practice of engaging in some daily writing. That is good news on the writing and consideration front. This functional journal while not being anything more than a stream of consciousness devoted to things that jump out as being relevant for consideration. It’s not intended to be a play by play of the things that happened during the day. For better or worse it’s just a snapchat of thought at the time it was created based on whatever shows up in the forefront of my thoughts.
I had started to use one of those weekly planners to help focus my efforts. They help provide that reward mechanism in terms of crossing things off as they are completed. My standard writing routine is pretty straightforward at this point. On the weekends or occasional days off I sit down and write at the start of the day working on a research note or other scholarly works. Most of that content over the last three years has been put into the Lindahl Letter publication and it goes out each Friday on Substack. I did have a gap in that routine as well where nothing went out for several weeks. That breakdown in output has been corrected and the words must flow. We are back on track. Even the weblog is now filled with almost daily content.
Dr. Nels Lindahl
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