Nels Lindahl — Functional Journal

A weblog created by Dr. Nels Lindahl featuring writings and thoughts…


I’m considering just using the date for the title of my upcoming posts on the weblog. My preferred file format for dates still happens to be YYYYMMDD which has worked out well enough for years now as a file storage formatting.

The NFL Red Zone broadcast had a ten game live look in box this morning. That was really intense. It was super hard to follow without question. I started the day by walking an hour on the treadmill which was super exciting. I’m learning that it is easy enough to focus during my treadmill time. Focus was not really needed as a good part of the day was spent watching NFL Red Zone in spurts and just waiting for the Kansas City Chiefs to play football.

Apparently, I left my weblog archival system in a complete state of disrepair during the last upgrade. Thousands of posts are in a private archive and only a handful are surfacing. Maybe now would be the time to just retire the entire weblog. Over the years I have deprecated and dropped several domains. It turns out that managing and keeping content online just seems less important than it used to be twenty years ago. Maybe my interests have just veered over into publishing books and articles. It is probably better to produce solid research notes that could be combined into a manuscript, expanded into an article, or maybe just published as a collection within a book. For some ineffable reason my overall rate of productivity just cratered this year. It has been a very bad writing year.

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