These are my notes throughout the day. You should be able to get a sense of time based on the content, but specific times of day are not called out. My notes are generally marked by a day and followed by a series of things, but those things are not marked by a time hearder.
After the first alarm clock went off it was only a matter of time before the backup alarm sounded the real start to the day.
Two shots of espresso were made in the Nespresso Expert machine. The first shot always smells amazing and the second one just takes up time in the routine.
I sat down to start writing some notes by hand for the day, but decided to just type some notes throughout the day. Today is a wild day due in part to a rare liquor auction that is ongoing. It ends tomorrow. Today is also a Friday which used to mean something, but at the moment just means less work is going to happen in my office during the weekend.
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