2018: Day 210 the one with some keyboard testing
Dear Reader,
Right now I’m trying to write using my new bluetooth keyboard and a vertical Pixel 2 XL smartphone. You may have guessed that both my Nexus 9 tablet and my ASUS Flip C101P are completely out of battery. This Logitech keyboard is pretty easy to use and it can be paired to 3 devices. I totally thought that the ASUS Flip was charged. It was on the counter right next to the charging cable, but for some reason I had forgotten to get it plugged in to the device. That was a pure oversight on my part. Today I almost started writing directly into WordPress, but that never feels right. Recently, I have been using Google Docs instead of writing in Microsoft Word. For the most part I prefer to use Microsoft Word on a full size computer and Google docs on anything Chromebook, mobile, or otherwise small screened device.
It is a little bit awkward to be typing on this keyboard that is about 5x wider than the vertical width of the Pixel 2 XL. This is pretty much the way I was planning to type when this keyboard was purchased. Maybe I’ll get a photo of this setup to help pain the picture. Both of the home keys have a slight raised bar to help me stay grounded while typing. That is enough to keep my typing on the right track. Today was one of those mornings where I thought about writing a novel, but could not get ready to get going. With my devices out of charge it almost seemed like a good idea to go old school and write using my fountain pen. That might just be what happens.
The timeout for the screen is a little bit of a problem so far. I seem to be pausing just long enough for the screen to go dark. I’m still watching disc 3 of the third season of Northern Exposure on the TV and that is enough to distract me. The fingerprint unlock makes it easy enough to unlock the phone and get back to typing.
Dr. Nels Lindahl
Broomfield, Colorado
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